29 March 2010


This 1909 image was just too fun not to share.  I almost passed on this one but ending up coming back to it -maybe it  will "grow on you" too.   I have an envelope of "bits" of pictures that I've saved and quite a few vintage photos - perhaps at some point I will sit down and see if I can't create a project using the idea of this one.  Let me know if this spurs your creative side!  


There is much to be said about the wide range of subjects you can find in vintage Easter images - my favourites continue to be chicks and bunnies with a humorous twist.  This is one of many you can find at Karen's Whimsy (see links). 

24 March 2010


A couple of  "scrap sisters" asked me about resources for vintage images.  You may be well aware of all of these but if not you will find a goldmine!  Please, please read the copyright or angel policies on each site.  Go check 'em out!

http://www.scrapologie.blogs.com/  "Runs with glitter" OMG how can you not love this site?   Loads - I mean LOADS - of free vintage images!  See the right hand menu, scroll down and you will see vintage images listed by categorie.  That kind of organization just makes my heart go pitter, patter.

http://e-vint.com/  -Everything Vintage.  This site offers a free monthly image and do search the site out there is more free to be found there.  Victorian and Edwardian to your heart's content.

http://stephanieboman.blogspot.com/   Scroll down her posts to find her free offerings.  She is recooperating from surgery and has asked for swaps.   How about a visit there!  How sweet would it be to have her receive a bonanza of swaps she wasn't expecting?

http://moonlightjourney.com/  Artistic Collage Sheets  There are several freebies to get you started.  This is a well established, lovely site.  (Thanks Robin!)

http://whymsicalmusings.blogspot.com/ A "sister" site to the one above.  Just scrolling down the first page will have you delighted.  I'm going back to spend some time here.

http://graphicsfairy.blogspot.com/  Over 1,000 pieces of free clip art.  This site has a huge following and offers a wide variety of activities, links etc.  Go and have fun!


This is a variation of a double-page layout that I consistently turn to.  Leave a 2" margin on the left side of the first page for a title, 1" margins top and bottom and align your papers on the right edge.  That leaves 10" in the middle for whatever variation you choose - just match at least one portion to align with the right hand page.  On this version I used a Basic Grey line that was meant for a party!


I am feeling spring today!  Time to share a couple of cheery layouts.   Pull together some My Minds Eye papers, fun stamps and cut, cut, cut to make the embellishments.  This is one of my earlier attempts and while "no rules were followed!" - it  makes me smile!  As long as I'm digging into Tiffany's younger pictures .. here comes another one.

21 March 2010


Inspired by the work of Laura McCollough www.akissonthechic.com/  I've been wanting to have a go at doing an Easter banner incorporating decorated eggs. Do check out her site and her monthly on-line classes.  Laura is all about "embellishment" if you are too you will love her work!  This one isn't quite "me" yet, I will figure out a vintage version.

I used the "Lucy Bird" papers from imaginisce, the eggs and felt coasters came from Michael's, glittered letters are Making Memories and the ribbons all pieces I had in my stash.  The pennants are covered chipboard - I estimated a shape and went from there (slightly less than 6" across and 8" long).  These are all double sided papers - though I used six different ones to get each of the glittered designs, with careful cutting I think I'll get two more banners from the same paper.

If you want to try this one feel free to send me a request for more details and do send me a picture - I would love to post them!

19 March 2010


This shadow box was just one of the reasons I was so excited to see Crafty Secrets at our Scrapbooking Carnival.  The picture I used of Allison, Spencer, McLean and Lucy (pre-Olivia) was taken this last fall on a sunny day at Beacon Hill park here in Victoria - a fall pic but the colors are perfect for a "here comes spring" project.

I used;  Crafty Secrets "Sweet Chips Die Cut Shapes" and "Creative Scraps", my fav itty bitty flowers, Stickles in lime, pink and cinnamon, a soft plastic egg cut in half and crepe paper from Martha Stewart (shimmered up with Glimmer Mist in pearl), VersaMagic chalk inks in Sea Breeze and Spainish Olive and a .3 micro pen to do the faux stitches in altering this portrait version of the Crafty Secrets shadow box.

If you have vintage crepe paper this is a perfect project to use it on.  But if you find that too fragile to work with Martha Stewarts' crepe paper is about the nicest I have found and it takes a lot of handling.  

18 March 2010


There is still lots of time for you to do something with this one!  Sorry I don't recall where this image came from.  If you do let me know!  How about using a few vintage images to create an Easter banner?  Here is another to help you along.


Lucy was a July baby but this layout has a simple, light feel that easily fits into spring.  To let the announcement take center stage, I needed a good amount of white space.  Holding back isn't always easy for me!  I repeated the scallops in the border and kept the colors simple, the simple swirls in the white scallops were stamped and embossed, the first black border was cut from black paper with white dots, white faux stitching and the tone on tone butterfly stitched in the bottom corner pulled this one together.

14 March 2010


Here are some of my favorites from the "Make and Take Loonie Bar". 

A couple of years ago I realized I was collecting "birds and bits".  There is some sort of bird or bird related bit in nearly every room plus there are a few related projects in-waiting about.  So of course this small sweetie, sponsored by local paper company "upsy daisy Designs" caught my eye. 

The basic structure is a "milk carton" - how clever!  I came home - filled it with spanish moss, inked up all of the edges, punched a hole in the top for a ribbon hanger, inked and shaded the bird (I also added a tiny blue rhinestone "eye" but it doesn't show here), added the itty bitty flowers and green silk leaves, gold leaf on the roof edge and used my favorite platinum stickles around the window, in the scallops of the roof edge and centers of the flowers. 

Crafty Secrets oh my gosh!  Their website has been one of my home pages for ages - you know "vintage anything is my thing"!  Their booth was smack dab, right there in the doorway - I was in and out all afternoon and of course that is where I spent!
This "make and take" was straight from their Vintage Postcard Kits".  I was so excited, I really wasn't getting anywhere fast on the "doing" part.  Sandra was excellent - patient and helpful.  At home I shaded and properly trimed the edges, added my own ribbons, cinnamon Stickles over the nest, gold leaf faux stitching,  itty bitty flowers with pearl centers, green silk leaves and altered some glittery green brads for a bit more dimension.  I glued a vintage button to the back of the dangle to give it a bit of weight.  See the back?    Do check out all of their products at craftysecrets.com  - a guaranteed "drool site"!  Just a side note, we are just starting to see banner and garland kits (what tooks so long?), I think you will now start seeing more banners and a variety of dangles, cones and shadow boxes.  Check out the shadow boxes from Crafty Secrets while you visit.

13 March 2010


Olivia Renee' Anna, born March 10,  2010.  Seven pounds 4 ounces and 21 inches long!  A healthy, happy start and most sweetly welcomed by big brother McLean, big sister Lucy (that's a page to come!) and parents Allison and Spencer.

7 March 2010


Clockwise from the upper centre; "travel/postal tag theme" by Angie Miller.  Of course the vintage look of this one made me go "woo hoo"! 
The bathing beauty with "live appropriately" text in the background by Nancy Longphee, everything just "works" on this one, can you see the textured and colored   background?
Tiger theme by Kay Zywicki, that will be a theme for this year certainly.  I just met Kay and she let me go wild making choices from her trade album!
"Artful Me" by Kelly Burton.  To see a better picture (my photo doesn't capture the subtle colors, details of any of these today) go to Kelly's blog  "Artsy Visions" on my link list and of course check out her wonderful work! 
If you would like to trade with anyone here, contact me and I will pass your information on. 

6 March 2010


The first Wednesday of the month is the ATC Social at Scrapers' Anonymous.  What a generous group - I already have several pages of trades.  I will continue to show you my treasures!  The one on the far left is the work of Marilyn McIldoon.  I love that she used "flower soft" on the flower basket.  The one on the right is from Marlene Letendre - too cheeky by far! 

4 March 2010


There is a new baby (Grandchild #8) coming to "our" neighborhood on March 10th!

These images are of ink blotters which were often used to advertise a business.  I am pretty sure a round of baby themed ATCs are coming soon.

Click on the images and then save the enlarged image to get the best resolution.  As always feel free to send me pics of what you produce!  I would love to post your creations here also.

3 March 2010


February 14th marked the Chinese New Year, the year of the Tiger (associated with bravery).  I missed the parade and I didn't get a picture of our ChinaTown at night with all of the lanterns lit.  It was a beautiful net of orange globes glowing all throughout but it is stunning in daylight also.  If you are planning a visit to Victoria - ChinaTown is a must!  Year of the Tiger - another theme to build on this year. 


This is one on my favorite vintage postcards!  I suppose this says something about a twisted sense of humour - chicks in the sauce pan?  If you like it also - let me know what you plan to cook up with it.  Remember to click on the image and then download the larger image for the best resolution. 

2 March 2010


I've been waiting for the project to use this picture of Liam.  Not sure if he is just looking up or looking at his spiffy hair!  Came across the old pharmacy label for hair creme and there it was!

The structure for this one is a heavy glossy cardstock cut 8" x 8".  Cover with a background paper, I used a light green here but I think a darker green next time for a bit of "pop".  I marked this off into quarters and adhered the picture to start.  Pulled a bunch of good stuff from my stash; shimmery shamrocks, scraps of green patterned paper (graphic 45), 7 Gypsies tag, Tim Holtz Fragments (under the shamrocks for dimension).  A couple of vintage downloads edged in gold leaf.  I treat this one like a quilt, moving the main pieces around until I like the look and then cutting and fitting bits into the blank spaces.  See my Valentine project post for the first example of using this format.

Lots of time to produce a couple of these!  How about a verse to use on yours?

"Leprechauns, castles,
     good luck and laughter,
Lullabies, dreams and love
     ever after."

1 March 2010


They have been out for a few weeks now, it hardly seems like one could live in Victoria and not show off the blossoming cherry trees. 
It's been a perfect weekend for company.  Seen through the eyes of visitors, everything familiar seems new and you remember how much you appreciate your surroundings.
We have had a great weekend catching up, laughing, seeing the sights and doing a little "vintage shopping".  Toni, Jena - thanks again for the visit and spending time with us!