About my blog:
This blog is generally about all manner of papercrafting - with a little bit of my life thrown in! I regularly post images of vintage ephemera from my own collection and I look for other wonderful bits to share with you.
About me:
I live in Victoria (on Vancouver Island) in British Columbia, Canada with my husband of 36 years, Bob. Between us we have 4 children and soon 10 grandchildren! Sandra and Tony (Brandon and Tiffany) Tyson and Holly (Madison and Liam with another coming soon!), Allison and Spencer (McLean, Lucy,Olivia and Jack) and Alex and Megan (Phoebe). I was born in San Antonio, Texas but grew up and went to school in Chehalis, Washington.
With a push from my daughter Allison, I fell headlong into scrapbooking (and papercrafting of all sorts from there!) a few years ago. I hadn't been doing any crafting for a number of years and I was ready to make time for my creative side once again.
As soon as I caught on to all that could be found on-line, I knew I also wanted to blog. I love the gathering that women crafting do. Not unlike the quilting bees of previous generations, we get together to work on our projects. And yes we do lots of work but we also share not only our ideas, experience and skills, we share our stories. All ages and backgrounds. I want my blog to be an extension of that experience.
I've never formed the habit of journaling, I think this will be my form of journaling. I expect I will be sharing a mix of my family and work life on this blog along with whatever creative endeavors I've launched into. I've spent most of the last 20 years in senior elected positions within my union, my spare time working to support a progressive government or political party and usually a number of social justice issues simultaneously - I expect a hint of that will show in my posts. Regardless of where we live, how our families have come together, what our work is - as women we continue to find we are so much more similar than different as we get to know each other. I'm looking forward to meeting a few new friends.
I hope you will find something to inspire you, something to just enjoy and maybe something to laugh at!
You can contact me here: