11 January 2014


I do adore crafting holiday projects!  Like no other holiday throughout the year, Valentine's Day inspires me to "more" - more glitter, more ribbon, more flowers, more frou frou of all manner.  Though this particular project is rather restrained considering.(I am thinking over a Valentine's theme in my pink and red guestroom..will let you know how that goes :)  You can find the video link for Christina Griffith's origami box here.

The base papers are again from an older Making Memories line featuring pinks, reds and craft tones.  A MS punch for the craft hearts, vintage packet of red piping, vintage millinery posies, roses, red seam binding, ribbon, lace and Felt Fusion (Queen & Co) from my stash were used here.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing Sandi!! I love origami and this is beautiful!


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