11 January 2014


Nut cups!  This has been on my crafting bucket list for ages.  Those of us "of a certain age" will remember these at the table for any important event.  Usually filled with jelly beans or other small treats, it was a disappointment to find peanuts in there!  Mom always brought home the special ones for me,  I thought they were oh so fancy.

The acrylic handled basket this is built on was a gift from my crafty friend Marilyn aka Busy Martha!  The large patterned heart, the text box and my sweet little cupid are images from Heather of "My Artistic Adventures".  Check out Heather's Etsy shop she has been busy!

The basket handle actually has a clown on it so I have built my embellishment to sandwich that out of sight. A couple of red sparkled chipboard hearts are stuck back to back along with the patterned heart and some teeny buds and roses.  Red and pink crepe paper are ruffled around the bottom, topped with some red Dresden trim, a bit of white ribbon and a teeny sparkly heart.  I printed the collage sheet out 2x on one letter sized sheet of paper to get the right size, plenty of left overs for more nut cups!


  1. Sandi, this is spectacular! I love everything about it. And, yes, I remember those nut cups and the disappointing peanuts! Too funny that we all felt the same way about the peanuts! Helene

  2. OMG this is so cute Sandi - you are always so creative!!!! Perfect for Valentine's Day!

  3. This is sooo stinking adorable Sandi!!! You do have the best little ideas!! I just LOVE this!!
    I can remember going with my grandma when I was little to the American Legion for some type of women's get togethers....and they would have little nut cups....with mints...YUMMY!! One lady would have little get togethers at her house and I know she had more than 500 sets of salt and pepper shakers....I would spend the whole time looking at all of them...and going..."Where did you get these"...all while eating the mints from the little mint cups!! What a great memory :0)

    Thanks for the shout out!!

  4. What a trip down memory lane for me. My Aunt always made these for my cousins birthday parties.
    This was long before the days of loot bags and I so looked forward to these little treasures. I kept them in my room and amassed quite the little collection over the years!
    Your project is ever so pretty!


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