24 August 2012


It's been 5 weeks now since my surgery, let's just say for now that things didn't go as expected and I am not sure what is next.  I have been able to spend only a little time downstairs in my "studio" and I am woefully behind in catching up with all of you, I hope you will expend a little more patience with me.

I discovered the art and humour of Tracey Fletcher King in the Summer of Colour II challenge.  Honestly every post makes me laugh and I adore how she turns everyday objects into art.  While I dream of the fantastic, life is really about the everyday,  I think that is why she strikes me so.   I created a board on my Pinterest just for her.  I got a lovely note from her about that - she found out about the board on one of "those days" that she was desperate for something uplifting.  She sent me a lovely packet of some of her work!  Oh I am in heaven!  And Tracey, your packet saved me from a pretty dark day.  I often wonder if I will know why a certain person and I cross paths.

A journal with one of her teacup pieces on the front, several cards and postcards (duplicates so I will share one and keep one without guilt!), a bookmark and a number of images for collaging.

A close up of one of the postcards.  So bright, cheery and happy!  Do check out her blog!!


  1. Tracey's work is really lovely. I have that same postcard, and some others of hers, here too! Valerie

  2. so glad we could help each other through days that could be better... and hope that you enjoy using the diary and cards... I am sending lots of positive vibes and happy thoughts your way and rest assured that I will be happy and grinning for the rest of the night after reading your lovely words... thanks again
    trace xx

  3. Thanks so much for popping by. I hope you are feeling up to your new self soon.
    Love your journal page from your last post. I took an online class with Melody Ross, and we focused on many of these positive self talk art pieces. It was a wonderful class to take. Keep smiling and creating. off to check out Ms Fletchers blog now.:=)

  4. Sandi, glad you could get down to your little studio! Your dead on, art is about every day! Thanks for the lovely compliment, Hugs, Marilyn.

  5. What a gracious and beautiful gesture of kindness, that is so awesome! And what pretty work..I remember visiting Tracy's blog during the SOC and it is a happy place! Enjoy your gift of art and have a blessed weekend. :)

  6. WOW WOW WOW, precious gift. I admired Tracey's work too :). Amazing sketches of tea cup that matches flavor of the week, as I recalled. Wonderful artist. Sandi, I do hope you continue to feel better :)). Hugs.


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