26 August 2012

BE UNEXPECTED - An Art Journal Page

Oh this is so not typical for me LOL  But isn't that why we take classes and learn new techniques?  This is another page prompted through the class "She Had Three Hearts".  I can only spend short bits of time on the classes I have enrolled in but perhaps this slow and steady approach will "adhere" all of the new techniques and ideas into my head!  The inspiration was the "super woman" magazine image, which has been transferred onto the page.


  1. LOVELY page, Sandi. Beautiful bright colors!. I have to smile at your words here :). LOVE it!

  2. I think stepping out of our comfort zones once in awhile is a good thing. Something I need to do more often.
    Love the bright cheery colors
    Sandy, I didn't know you have been ill. So sorry, I do hope your doing much better?
    hugs Lynn

  3. If we stay where we are comfortable, we might miss out on something we really like! I know I have found that I might not be thrilled about a project, but sometimes the techniques I can use! I love this journal page, so full of life. Very nice! Have a wonderful week!

  4. I love how vibrant and fun you made it! Reminds me of the TV show, I loved Wonder Woman~ How fab to learn so many new techniques...it is super, I mean wonderful ;D

  5. Hey Sandi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have been a little lax in the blog hopping department this summer. I hop in, pop a post on my blog and run! LOL

    I love your art journal pages you have posted! I should get my butt in gear and try something like that! I'm not a painter or much of a drawer but I'll never get any better at it if I don't try. How bad can it be, right? Pretty pages or a big mess...50/50 chance of either! LOL

    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, I hope that changes for the better soon!!!

    I guess I am not set up for blog emails so your email button isn't working for me. I'll have to check on that.
    Here's my email addy...lovetheshore4x2@gmail.com


  6. Love your page. Like you, I'm staying away from all drama except the ones I act in or buy tickets for. Thanks for your kind and wise words on my "gossip" page. I would love if you do your own take and link up.

  7. I love the colours... and the splash of green is perfectly unexpected which matches the words so well... love that part... glad you are back being creative.. even if it is in little chunks... still great to have you back..xx

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