26 August 2012

BE UNEXPECTED - An Art Journal Page

Oh this is so not typical for me LOL  But isn't that why we take classes and learn new techniques?  This is another page prompted through the class "She Had Three Hearts".  I can only spend short bits of time on the classes I have enrolled in but perhaps this slow and steady approach will "adhere" all of the new techniques and ideas into my head!  The inspiration was the "super woman" magazine image, which has been transferred onto the page.

24 August 2012


It's been 5 weeks now since my surgery, let's just say for now that things didn't go as expected and I am not sure what is next.  I have been able to spend only a little time downstairs in my "studio" and I am woefully behind in catching up with all of you, I hope you will expend a little more patience with me.

I discovered the art and humour of Tracey Fletcher King in the Summer of Colour II challenge.  Honestly every post makes me laugh and I adore how she turns everyday objects into art.  While I dream of the fantastic, life is really about the everyday,  I think that is why she strikes me so.   I created a board on my Pinterest just for her.  I got a lovely note from her about that - she found out about the board on one of "those days" that she was desperate for something uplifting.  She sent me a lovely packet of some of her work!  Oh I am in heaven!  And Tracey, your packet saved me from a pretty dark day.  I often wonder if I will know why a certain person and I cross paths.

A journal with one of her teacup pieces on the front, several cards and postcards (duplicates so I will share one and keep one without guilt!), a bookmark and a number of images for collaging.

A close up of one of the postcards.  So bright, cheery and happy!  Do check out her blog!!


My second page from week one of Nathalie's Uber Media PanPastels class (see button on right).  A first attempt at using liquid frisquet (masking paint or drawing gum) - don't you adore that name?  Didn't get it quite right at the top (I cut out letters from pp and covered the attempt at masking) but I am pleased with the "enough".   I think if I had graduated the shading within the top layers the effect would be less busy.

15 August 2012


Each week of Nathalie's PanPastel Workshop ends with two journal pages using the techniques demonstrated/learned during the week.  This page focuses on blending, layering and masking.  I cut the words out using Cricut's Opposites Attract cartridge to make my own mask and the daisy's are an old Heidi Swapp mask.  The honey bee's are a MS punch.  The daisy centres I covered with Rock Candy Distress paint and red glitter - had to get some glitter in there!  All the rest of the colour are PanPastels done in three layers.  Great class and great fun!

12 August 2012


I have just signed up for Nathalie Kalbach's on-line "PanPastel Workshop".  I discovered she has several free tutorials on her website Nathalie's Studio , this page was inspired by her tutorial using Derwent Artbars and Dylusion sprays.   Honestly, I didn't realize that when I decided to dip my toes into Art Journaling, I would be discovering, falling in love with and of course collecting a whole new world of supplies!

9 August 2012


This page comes from a day in the hospital that I could not keep my eyes off the clock.  It was a rather black day actually.  That clock grew eyeballs on springs and had me in it's spell.  I sketched that clock and listed all of the time related words I could think of to shake it.  This isn't as dark as that sketch but perhaps I will do that one another time.  I have used a thicker Copic marker to journal my personal thoughts, you can't really read it but that I put it out there is enough for me for now.

A variety of ink sprays, turquoise and purple PanPastels, clear embossing powder on the clock numbers, Tattered Angels stencils and stamp.  I'm using a Strathmore Mixed Media 9x12 journal.

8 August 2012


Most of my time right now is spent reclining, between naps I have been doing a bit of catching up.

One of the "Letter Love 101" lessons was spent doing sprayed and stenciled backgrounds, in the next lesson these were used along with decorative duct tape to create an 8x8 journal.  Inside the pages are a variety of sizes - all ready to be finished into fantastic journal pages!  I am LOVIN' this little journal and had several hours of crafty fun (between naps) putting this together.

I have had a couple of e-mails asking me about Joanne Sharpes' on-line classes - they are FANTASTIC and I highly recommend them.

6 August 2012


I have just enrolled in Christy Tomlinsons' "SHE HAD THREE HEARTS" on-line art journaling workshop.    Originally presented as a three week course, access to all of the materials is granted for three months.  This course is jam packed with techniques, prompts and projects.  The idea of three hearts is based on a Japanese premise that women share one heart with the world, one with their family and friends and one only with themselves.  It seems that I might be ready to explore that.

My first two pages come from the loss of a long time close friend, at the same time I was having surgery.  We  have held each other's hands through much but not this one last time.  I know there are many ways to mourn and celebrate a life but not being able to be there and share that with her family and other friends is painful.

I have built up the colour layers using AquaStic, spray inks, paint dabbers and PanPastels.   Background smudge, script and words were stamped with Archival Black.