31 December 2013


Happy New Year with my warmest wishes.  Treasure all of the special moments of the past and set out to create many more.  I don't really set resolutions but usually find myself contemplating the past and next year in the quiet space between Christmas and New Year's.  This year has given me many "treasured moments" with family, friends and the opportunity to reconnect and strengthen bonds with childhood friends.   Crafting and the creativity, inspiration and connection to all of you has been sporadic in the last year as other parts of my life took priority.   That is about to change!


I first "met" Heather Hudson when I was on the design team for "Pages In Time" and then later "Bella Creations" several years ago,  her creative bent and enthusiasm delighted me.  Since then she has set out to make her dreams come true, part of which is working with images in her own unique vintage and sometimes prim style.
Heather "My Artistic Adventures" has asked me to be part of her design team as she sets out on her new path "My Artistic Adventures Challenges".   Heather has decided to host a challenge on her blog every 2nd and 16th of the month using HER Digital Collage sheets.   Click here to check out Heather's own post announcement about this!

Pretty please come back here on January 2nd to see what I have created using Heather's designs as inspiration for her first challenge.

In the meantime,  check out Heather's Etsy shop for inspiration and ideas galore.  She has dropped some heavy hints about the theme LOL   Do take advantage of the enticement to play along with us which includes a 15% off $5.00 or more purchase (coupon code: MYARTISTIC ADVENTURES).
And would you please post the challenge badge on your blog to help get the word out?
My Artistic Adventures
The html code can be found in the left sidebar at My Artistic Adventures  She also offers lots of YouTube tutorials including one on how to insert html codes on your blog.  Heather has been very generous sharing her technology knowledge.
I look forward to this newest Artistic Adventure; reconnecting, finding my creativity and inspiration and sharing with you.  Won't you join in and come "adventuring" with me... 



  1. Wonderful Post Sandi!! I love visiting your blog..I really like when on your page my mouse leaves fairy dust :0) So awesome!! I did look that up..and was going to do a tutorial on that...not sure what happened...maybe in the new year!! I am sooo excited that you will be helping me on my New Adventure!! Especially when I feel you have been part of the Adventure from the start!! You know what they say...it is the Journey...that is the best part! I have had such super fun with you Helene, and Carol....all us Bella galz :0) I can't wait for everyone to see the goodie you made for our challenge!! Hugs!!

  2. My two year old granddaughter loves to wave a wand and say, "magic". I love that sprinkling of magic fairy dust here as I navigate your blog, Sandi! I'm so looking forward to working with you once again as we all embark on our artistic adventure with Heather. I hope your new year is as sparkly as your Happy New Year badge!

  3. Happy New Year and good luck with your new (ad)venture. Valerie

  4. Hi Sandi! So happy to be back together again, in Heather's new adventure! What fun we're sure to have!
    Happy New Year!


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