21 February 2013


If you have been "around here" for any amount of time, you know that I offer my images basically as is with all the little nibbles and spots.  Unless my friend Heather takes over and cleans them up  LOL  For the most part I love the "experience" they have seen and feel it is part of creating something new with a true vintage feel.  The pieces I am sharing with you today are perfect for creating scenes in a spring or Easter gluebook.  All of these images are 1920 ish.  The little bits are sweet and you can cut and paste to your heart's content.  Do visit Greenpaper if you want to know more about gluebooks.


  1. Such sweet images to share with us! Love these! Hope you are having a great day!

  2. Sandi these are cute once again. Thanks for sharing :) Can i give you one very small piece of advice? When you save your images put Maximum Embellishment at the end of the description so that people can credit back to you if they use them. Just a suggestion, Big Bloggy Hugs ~~~

  3. lovely--I'm partial to that first one.


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