26 December 2012


Short for What Is on your Work Desk Wednesday...!  Want your own opportunity to do a global snoop..check out the STAMPING GROUND!

Though I intend to craft Christmas all year long in 2013, I was feeling like a bit of a change was needed.  On my desk today are the start to a few Valentine tags.   Paperline from Making Memories, Martha Stewart lacey heart punch, pink Stickles and GeckoGalz images.  I am doing a GD spot in February at GeckoGalz so best put my mind to it!

Here in Canada we also celebrate Boxing Day (the day after Christmas) - I am declaring it PJ day at my house!  Hope all of you are having a lovely week!


  1. Wow - you're getting your act in gear! Valentine's already... love'em though. Continuing good wishes for the festive season, and happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  2. Those tags look delightful and I think we are all looking forward to lots of different crafting now that Christmas has finally arrived. Enjoy you PJ day.

  3. Sandi, those tags are looking good. I really like that punch, may have to have that one. Since I am retired I am still on holiday too. LOL Happy WOYWW!
    Krisha #48

  4. Happy PJ Day to you and yours. I was in mine yesterday too after Hubby took his Mum home after Dinner!
    Lovely tags there. I shall be sticking with Rudolph Day in 2013 and plan to make 10 cards for each one!
    Happy New Year to you.

  5. They look great and it is fun so enjoy some non Christmas related projects.

    I plan to work on Christmas all year long too. I am dwow in my scraproom today, trying to organize and put away all my new treasures. I had a completely scrappy Christmas!

    I want to figure out a way to organize Christmas that I can readily access it each week and then slide it away after. I am going to do the Christmas card/project challenges all year...No more making cards at the last minute! I want to enjoy the Xmas season more next year!

  6. Nice papers, and nice to do something girly and distinctly not Christmas, makes getting to your desk a bit easier!

  7. Lovely tags and a super change from Christmas - LOL. Have a happy new year BJ #15

  8. Awesome tags Sandi! I made a decision to work on Christmas all year this coming year cause I just didn't have done stuff I wanted done this year! Hope you are having Happy Holidays and enjoying the season. Thanks for dropping by my desk! Vickie #4

  9. I had pj day today too. I also had it yesterday, so I think I might try real clothes tomorrow. Have a wonderful new year when it arrives.

    Rachel, #26

  10. PJ day sounds worth celebrating!! Waving hi from the rainy, but wishing it was snowing hills of North Carolina for the last WOYWW of 2012!!

  11. PJ day is an excellent idea. Your Valentine tags are very refreshing. Blessings with Peace and Joy for all of 2013...

  12. Well it all looks lovely and 'snowy' on your crafty desk and very busy, so much better than brussle sprouts!!!

    Happy WOYWW and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR too!!


  13. Hi Sandi - I just found your blog. I had the family here for boxing Day so today is my PJ Day. And I think I have found a way to spend a good part of it - exploring your blog LOL
    I love your work and the blog is great too!
    Happy new Year - Robin

    1. Thanks Robin! Best wishes for 2013 and do come visit again!

  14. You go girl! Happy New Year! Nan 44

  15. Ooooh, what fabulous tags, Sandi! You are getting a jump on the next holiday before the new year! Way to go!

    Hope you had a fun PJ day (well, duh) and that you have a Happy and Healthy New Year!! Darnell #53

  16. I so love PJ days and I usually have them after finishing my location work but this year I haven't. Must get around to catching up on that, but then I declare PJ days randomly too.

    You have some really nice tags on your desk too.

    Belated Christmas Greetings and Happy New Year.

    Eliza #63

  17. Belated greetings...its been a bit of a juggling act this week with christmas and work but the time at home has been fab.wow you are well organised loving the Valentine tags and so good to see something not festive. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family and hope its the best ever.. hugs Andrea x #20


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