6 November 2012


I am working on doing a pile of holiday tags for each of our four girls, wanting to give them a bit of an early holiday gift wrapping stash.  I will embellish a few for each of them but mostly they will be simple.  Make them too precious and they don't get used!  I have cut a lot of simple tags in different sizes on my Cricut from patterned paper, I will dig through my old cards and see what tags can be punched from those.  Some of my favourites are punched from old photos..I will share those later.

These are inspired by Nancy Maxwell James  (Sugar Lump Studios) "SnowFlake Angel Tags".   I used the same images as she did from Digital Collage Sheets on Etsy.  I found some sweet K&CO poinsettia tags in my stash and decided to use those instead of snowflakes.  Also from my stash;  pp  "Eskimo Kisses" from Basic Grey, bits of a Zva pink crystal swirl, crinkly ribbon and various colours of Stickles.  I used #8 manila tags as the base.

I am very impressed with the quality of the images from Michelle at Digital Collage Sheets, do check her Etsy site out!  And if you aren't familiar with Sugar Lump Studios well you have quite a treat in store for you!


  1. wow all gorgeous tags Sandi, xx

  2. Just beautiful - they are pretty in pink!!!

  3. Beautiful images on your gorgeous tags Sandi.
    xxx Hazel.


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