11 November 2011


From left then clockwise;  Cub Sturdevant (my dad) WWII US Army served in the Pacific,  Marge Morisette behind (my mom) US Army Nursing Core, Fort Sam Brooks, San Antonio, Texas (Korean War),  Jean Buchman (MIL) WWII British Army served in England, Wally McLean (SIL) WWII Canadian Army served in Europe.


  1. What awesome photos...makes me think that I should dig out the few that I have of my dad in uniform years ago......HMMMMM I think I may have one saved on my computer at home.......

  2. What a beautiful tribute on this special remembrance day
    hugs June x

  3. wonderful photos. Each year this special day comes and goes without me scrapping the photos and articles that I've collected.

  4. Love your photos Sandi! I know I my mom has some of my grandfather...I need to find those.
    Hugs!! I will have to say your blinkies look fabby ;0)


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