13 September 2011


My first "Teacup Tuesday" post!  Warning this is about sweet tea and actually I am not posting a teacup but  my set which has not, as long as we have been together, EVER served anything but sweet tea!  I do have teacups to post but I was putting this away today  and thought this is the opportunity to finally join in and share a post with Terri.  The table is bare now as I put away my favorite spring and summer pieces and start to ready the house for fall but I know you have an imagination with out boundary.

Every spring I put this set out on my sideboard, polish the spoons and honestly enjoy looking at it more than using it often.   I do imagine and look forward to having a little summer garden party with the grands.  With the right story and treats even the boys would indulge at least for a little while.  The glasses are large for little hands  but you know that long handled spoon is more fun than a straw and so very grown up!  Add a few little sandwiches with the crusts trimmed off, tiny tarts and cookies - all on a tiered dessert tray of course.  Maybe a chocolate bonbon or two, well actually there should be no limit on bonbons.  All laid out on a lace cloth with vintage luncheon napkins.  A sprinkling of fairy dust!  And a pink princess ruffled cushion to sit upon. Oh it will be a grand summer garden party!


  1. Hello there,

    How charming! A sweet tea set.., I have never seen a ceramic one, yet being from a more Northern climate in Atlantic, Canada I guess it's no wonder I have not seen one before. Such a pretty pattern at that.

    The long handled, silver spoons all polished and at the ready in a row add just the loveliest finishing touch. ~ No wonder you enjoy displaying and looking at them!

    (We do of course drink plenty of iced tea in all varieties and flavors but hot tea in a cold climate is more what we are used to.

    Hope you get to enjoy a garden party tea with the grands;(boys and girls included), one day soon!

    I am delighted to become one of your newest followers. Perhaps you will kindly consider also following me.

    I found you on 'Martha's Favorites' blog for Teacup Tuesday.., Happy Teacup Tuesday and welcome!


    I want to most warmly also invite you to join me in my little corner of blogland as well, for what I lovingly refer to as; 'Tuesday Teatime In Blogland'.

    ..,While there is actually no such blog party per se, there is however a vibrantly delightful community of tea ladies who each have tea themed memes/weekly blog parties, usually held each Tuesday, although there is now a 'Teacup Thursday' also.

    No need to create a new post for each blog tea party as we all just link up with our own 'one tea post' each week on the various tea parties. Also, it's very easy to visit the participants whereas there is a very large cross over of essentially the same tea loving ladies who attend each and every tea party of the various blog hostesses..,

    ~ So to be as brief as possible,(Hehe); I'll also mention further that there are links to each Tea party on my blogs.

    I came first with dear Sandy, then Martha and Terry, etc.,.., 'following there own hearts', so to speak and creating each there own delightful versions of our Tuesday Tea times.

    I love the delightful experience and love them all dearly as well! We all support and follow each other and it has now grown to be, 'many times the fun'!

    Have I managed to 'write a wee book here yet'?.., Wink

    So there you have it, I'd love to have you join me as well dear lady! The more the merrier!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee

  2. Hi Sandi,
    this set is so adorable. I love the wild roses decor. It is perfect for every summer party. Would love to sip a sweet tea from such a wonderful mug. Happy tea time Tuesday.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  3. Very pretty set Sandi! Your Summer Garden Party with the Grands sound lovely!

  4. Your pitcher and cups look like Desert Rose from Franciscan china company. It is one of my favorite sets of dishes. I sell them occasionally in my antique shop.
    Glad you joined Tea Cup Tuesday. It is such a fun thing to do. and thanks for visiting my blog today.

  5. I love this set Sandi ..

    I have collected it for years.. I quess it's a Canadian thing with the lovely wild rose... as I bought mine in Kenora, Manitoba and Vancouver.... Yours look so sweet nestled together ...I can only imagine how much fun the fairies are having sprinkling their fairy dust around the table preparing for fall... I too have set the fairy wings aflutter and am so excited to meet you ... Thank you for the kind visit...I am your newest follower....Hugs

  6. Bonbons,you can count me in Sandi! This is a very pretty set, when should I be coming over?

  7. I have never seen this "Desert Rose" style in glasses. I love using iced tea spoons..how nice you have a whole set. Glad to see you joined us in the blog-style tea parties! Hugs

  8. Hi Sandi,
    Thank you for stopping by for tea. Your set is very nice and a pleasure to look at as well as use. The pink flowers are very pretty. I too invite you to link up to my tea party if you wish. I would love to have you. It's very nice to 'meet' you; another Canadian blogger. Have a delightful day.


  9. Sandi,
    I love your tussy mussy's for the seasons. Terrific Thanks Giving images too.
    Thanks so much for stopping by.
    Keep smiling and creating

  10. Is this Franciscan Desert Rose? I inherited a set of this from my great grandmother and I just loooove it. So pretty! You inspired me to get mine out! Have a great weekend!


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