24 September 2011


Yesterday was a beautiful warm and sunny fall day.  This morning I woke up to the fog horns, a peek out the window confirmed a fairly light cover of fog but not just in the distance.  I've been meaning to take my own pictures of the Fisgard Lighthouse this summer to share but these much better pictures from the lighthouse sight will just have to do LOL

Isn't it a beauty?  It is a National Historic site and we are so fortunate to have it in our neighborhood!  The next batch of company will be an excuse for a visit...why make an excuse well that just is how it is right?

This picture gives you a better idea of the setting.  The Olympic Pennisula mountain range (Washington State) on the horizon to the right.   That tip of land on the left would be the Naval base and just to the left of that would be the city of Victoria proper.  In front of this picture (see how directionally challenged I am?) is a road which has a small lagoon on the opposite side.  Bordering the other side of the lagoon is Hatley Castle which has much local history.  Above the lagoon (and not with a view of the lighthouse but a view over to the mountains) is where I live.  Let me know if you post an  "In My Neighborhood" and I will come for a visit!


  1. Sandi..that is one beautiful lighthouse!! In my area..it would be a great day to go and visit a lighthouse. What a fun thing to do...we have not done this in a really long time.
    xo Heather

  2. Thanks for sharing your photos, what a beautiful setting. How wonderful it would be to take a walk there, to be so close. It would also make a great painting...ummmm

  3. LOVE...LOVE!! I may have to draw this! TFS~

  4. Sandi,
    The area is sooo fantastic, thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for the B-day wishes.
    Have a great Sunday.


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