26 September 2011


I've linked this post to Terri at Artful Affirmations do go and check out the lovely posts.  You can't appreciate the time and effort everyone puts into their oh so lovely posts until you try and do one yourself!  I will try and do better..

This snack set is part of my "good china".   After I was married my MIL encouraged me to pick out a china pattern.  Once I saw this Royal Albert pattern "Brigadoon", well that was it.  The pattern featured a Scottish Thistle and my favourite colour blue with soft lavendar and green. The family name being McLean it was a hit all round.  The majority of my set was purchased by my MIL for birthdays and holiday gifts.   It's a soft and sweet pattern that I hope will find favour with one of the family in the future.


  1. Oh how beautiful! And you just gave me an idea. I have a set similar to this in a different pattern and I can use them for my nect teascape. Thanks. Also, your chocolate set in your previous post is just stunning!


  2. It's really hard to beat Royal Albert and Brigadoon is wonderful. Lovely snack/tea set. Happy tea day!

  3. Such an unusual saucer, so lovely!
    Sandra Evertson

  4. OMGosh! I LOVE thistles!!! Pass the shortbread, get out the golf clubs! Love your china!

  5. Gorgeous! I love this patter, the blue is perfect! I can certainly see why you would pick it as your wedding china. It must be a real pleasure to set table with. I am so glad you shared it with us.

  6. I love the cup and snack saucer, very English to carry your biscuit, or shortbread! Beautiful!
    Lots of hugs,

  7. Oh thats a beautiful teacup with such soft pretty blues
    pop by my Dezinaworld blog today if you get chance and grab the french freebies i have there.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend
    hugs June

  8. Lovely set, I love all thing Scottish, as well! This is one of those sets that is so timeless, always perfect for every occasion.


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