2 February 2011


The challenge for February 2, 2011 at Gingersnap Creations is "Kings and Queens". 

"The Queen of Hearts she made some tarts all on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts he stole the tarts and took them clean away.
The King of Hearts called for the tarts and beat the Knave full sore.
The Knave of Hearts brought back the tarts
And vowed he'd steal no more."

The folding ATC pocket frame was inspired by a book I received from Wendy of Blissfull ATC Swap.  The basic structure is a good weight slightly textured cardstock.  To start the pocket along the bottom I folded the cardstock up 3/4 ".  (I used my ScorePal to mark all of the folding lines.)  The punched heart border (MS) I did with gold paper.  The lattice hearts I backed with sparkly black paper.  The white punched border (MS) layered on the bottom and adhered at the top, I inked with Fired Brick Distress Ink.  I outlined all of the borders with Platinum Stickles to start building up the sparkle.  A copy of the poem is on the back of the frame.

I started with a pp from G45 for the ATCs.  The images are scanned from a deck of cards, which I left uncolored for contrast.  The Dresden scrap trim is from ArtChix Studio, the "tarts" I pulled off a Valentine Border from MS.  GlitterRitz and Platinum Stickles add to the sparkle.

I like to put my projects out around the house for each holiday and adore the small ones that are easy to store (meaning they don't hog space) until the next year. This little triptych of ATCs can be folded up and secured with a ribbon making the smallest packet for storing away.  I hope you will give this little project a go!

I am having trouble with the new blogger posting process! Here is the picture which I should have posted and can't replace now! I did add the stamped/embossed crowns..


  1. Lovely work, and this is something I will def. try, I have added it to ma *to do* list

  2. Sandi, so happy to be working with you this month at Gingersnap Creations! I know your Visiting Artist projects will be inspiring. Love this--the gold heart border really sets this off.

  3. Wanted to say Welcome to Gingersnaps and love your creation for the challenge. Annette x

  4. Sandi, I saw this on Gingersnap and I just love it! Very inspiring!

  5. Sandi it worked out beautiful and thank you for the shout back ... that's what i love about crafters we share ideas, tutorials with each other with open hearts... hugs wendy

  6. This is so adorable! I love the idea of the pocket frame!

  7. Your ATCs and folder tryptic are fabulous. I love your style. Happy February Hearts...

  8. This is so neat, Sandi! Love the details~

  9. Hi Sandi. Such a clever idea and so much fun.
    Lynne M

  10. Thanks again for sharing your ATC from this triptych, love this project!

  11. Absolutely wonderful! Very creative!

  12. I love the bright colours, Sandie

  13. That's a fantastic take on this theme.

  14. Hi Sandi!! Love this so much!! So stunning!! Thanks a lot for your love sent to my blog :)


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