9 August 2010

lst Contest Winner ...

The first contest winner is Busy Martha!  I will send you an e-mail connecting you with Susie Jefferson of BLOGOLOGY so you can get working on your customized button/blinkie!

I am going to try and make this easier for everyone.  Hopefully I will have a contest button on the sidebar soonish.  I am also going to post into my original Contest post of July 31st directions for grabbing (hopefully my button/blinkie!) but for any that catch your eye.

For this draw by random generator thingie (!), I put all of the followers that I could ascertain have blogs in order as they show on the blog for one chance, if they had my button or blinkie on their blog that was their second chance and if they had commented on my blog that was a third chance ie Bliss Angel was #1, 2 and 3, Angel Ann was 4 etc.  Everyone stays in the draw all month so you could actually end up with more than one win.   Thanks everyone!

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