24 August 2010


Here is a sneeky peeky of what I sent off today to my Cigar Box Swap partner.  Maria, who lives in Queensland, Austrailia,  likes anything Paris inspired and the colors cream, pink and blue - so hope I've hit the mark.  My first swap!  I will of course share what comes my way.  If you click on the title of this post you will go directly to Maria's blog "A Journey That Starts Here" - after just one look I know I am getting a fabulous swap partner!  Funnily enough we both have the same web designers!  Guess I will be making a list of swap sites next...

1 comment:

  1. Oh luckie you maria is a sweetie, I have traded ATC with her,
    And thank you for the blinky I love it and Susie is wondeful... I asked if she could made the faeries wings move thinking that she wouldn't never be able to do that and she surpassed my expectatiions.


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