21 March 2010


Inspired by the work of Laura McCollough www.akissonthechic.com/  I've been wanting to have a go at doing an Easter banner incorporating decorated eggs. Do check out her site and her monthly on-line classes.  Laura is all about "embellishment" if you are too you will love her work!  This one isn't quite "me" yet, I will figure out a vintage version.

I used the "Lucy Bird" papers from imaginisce, the eggs and felt coasters came from Michael's, glittered letters are Making Memories and the ribbons all pieces I had in my stash.  The pennants are covered chipboard - I estimated a shape and went from there (slightly less than 6" across and 8" long).  These are all double sided papers - though I used six different ones to get each of the glittered designs, with careful cutting I think I'll get two more banners from the same paper.

If you want to try this one feel free to send me a request for more details and do send me a picture - I would love to post them!

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