1 February 2010



My own blog!  My first post!  I’m thinking the trick isn’t to get this perfect but just get started.   When I get stuck and can’t get going on a scrapbook page, I try and remind myself that every page doesn’t have to be a work of art!  How many good ideas and intentions have I had that never get anywhere hmmm.. a few.

Why blog?  One of the aspects of paper crafting I love is that we women (our group has one brave man!) regularly get together to work on our projects.  We share our skills, ideas, supplies, advice and our stories.  I hope my blog is an extension of that.

Since my family is featured in almost all of my scrapbooking and paper projects, that seems like a good place to start.  This picture (not yet scrapbooked) was taken last September at our son Tyson’s wedding, not a perfect picture just a snapshot but there we all are.  Lot’s more to come of this event – it was the first time all of us with partners and children were all together.

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner so you can expect to see that featured in coming posts - papercrafting has encouraged me to go holiday crazy!   

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